Granting Clemency to Criminal

Granting Pardon and Remission of prisoners is a common practice done by the government in HUT RI commemoration. But it will be unusual if the corruptors who are given clemency and remission. Because corruptions has been regarded as an extraordinary crime. Besides damaging state’s financial, in the long term, is estimated to destroy the system of government and hamper welfare.
Clemency or sentence reduction which becomes president prerogative should not be given to corrupt. The government should also not give a sentence reduction or remission of the perpetrators of crimes of corruption. Remissions contrary to the spirit of combating in Indonesia  which was being promoted government. Granting clemency as it shows the impression of a hands-off government in the handling of corruption and only imposes the Commission alone.

Vice Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Bibit Samad Rianto: pardon or sentence reduction that became president of the prerogative should not be given to corrupt. The government should also not give a sentence reduction or remission of the perpetrators of crimes of corruption. Remissions contrary to the spirit of combating corruption in Indonesia which was being promoted government. He also considered that the granting of pardon to the former Regent of Kutai, East Kalimantan Syaukani Hasyan Rais would be a bad precedent for law enforcement in Indonesia. Granting clemency as it shows the impression of a hands-off government in the handling of corruption in the country. Combating corruption Commission is only charged on the shoulder only.
Unlike the presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha: The process of clemency has been through the judicial propriety and feasibility at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Granting pardon is the authority on the President, so only the President who has a pardon, amnesty, abolition and rehabilitation, to the level of the others out there consideration for clemency based on the feedback the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and the party that has legal authority.

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