Pros and cons of cigarettes have long been happening in the various elements of society, including government. Tobacco companies benefit from the production of cigarettes on a large scale. The government  can not suppress it because of the benefit from income tax cigarettes. And cigarette factory workers of several thousand people will reduce unemployment in this country. But cigarettes cause adverse effects that decrease the quality of public health and air pollution.
Some people consider cigarettes are very supportive of their lives. Some say that by smoking to provide tranquility for those sad or frustrated. They say that smoking, a real man and tough. There's even a smoking to just went along with it, consider smoking as a modern lifestyle.
In terms of economics, almost all the State's economy depends on the cigarette industry. No wonder so many parties vying with each other to compete in this cigarette business. As a result, began popping up various kinds of brands of cigarettes with different flavors and sensations.
On the other hand, some say that smoking is a vain act seashell is based on the partial behavior of smokers who give up some of his wealth is just only a cigarette. In addition, smoking is only cause harm than benefit for both themselves and the surrounding environment.
Efforts to save the public from the dangers of cigarettes have actually been done a long time, but the results are not optimal. In each pack and cigarette advertising has been write about dangers of smoking can cause cancer heart and lungs, as well as interfere with the fetus in his mother's womb. But they still smoke cigarettes without being aware of life threatening public health. Now the governments banned smoking in public places and provide special places for smokers to reduce the impact of smoking.

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