kumpulan laporan kimia kelas xi ipa


Report 1
The pH Solution of Acid and Base
I.             Purpose
To measure the pH of some solution of strong and week acid / base whose concentration is the same using universal indicator

II.            Basic Theory                                                                                                            
·         According to Arrhenus,acid is a substance that releases H+ ions in water, while Base is a substance that releases OH ions in water.
·         According to Bransted Lowry acid is gives proton, while Base is accepts protons.
·         According Lewis, acid is a pair of electrons acceptor, while Base is  a pair of electrons electrons donor.

III.           Tools and Material

1.    Pasteur pipette                           (1 pcs)
2.    Volume pipette                           (1 pcs)
3.    Chemical glass                          (4 pcs)
4.    Universal indicator paper         (3 pcs)
5.    Water                                            (as needed)
6.    Funnel shaped                           (1 pcs)
7.    Measure gourd                           (1 pcs)
8.    NH3 solution                               (50 ml)

IV.          Procedure
1. Prepare three clean and dry chemical glass.
2. Give each glass a label by number 1,2, and 3.
3. Add 5 ml of 0,1 M NH3 solution into chemical glass 1.
4. Make NH3 solution with the concentration of 0,01 M and 0,001 M by dilution.
5. Add 5 ml NH3 solution into chemical glass 2 and 5 ml NH3 solution into   chemical glass 3.
6. Measure the pH of the three solutions using universal indicator paper.
7. Repeat procedur 1 to 6 using CH3COOH, NaOH, NH3, HCl, NaCl.

M.V = M1. V1
12. V  = 1 . 50
      V  = 4,2 X 2 = 8,4
M1.V2 = M3. V3
1 . V2 = 0,1 . 50
      V2 = 5
M3.V4 = M5. V5
0,1. V4 = 0,01 . 50
      V4= 5
M5.V6 = M7. V7
0,01. V6 = 0,001 . 50
      V6 = 5
V.           Result Experiment
Glass no.
Concentration of acid/base (M)
pH Solution

VI.          Question
1.    What are the pH differences for acidic solution and base solution?
2.    What is the influence of the dilution to the pH of solution of strong acid and base?
3.    What is the influence of dilution to the pH of solution of weak acid and base?

1.    The pH of acidic solution are less than 7, The pH of base solution more than 7
2.    When the strong acid dilution with water so the pH is increase because the concentration is decrease, and when the strong base diluted with water the pH is decrease because the concentration of solution is decrease.
3.    When the weak acid diluted with water, the pH is increase because the concentration of solution is decrease. And when then weak base diluted with water the pH is decrease because  the concentration of solution is decrease.

VII.        Conclusion
1.    The pH of solution is inversely proportional to the acid strength. It means that the more concentrated the solution of acid, the smaller the pH value is.
2.    The pH is proportional to the base strength. It means that more concentrated the solution of base, bigger the pH value.

VIII.       Photos
                        Alat dan bahan                                       Mengukur pH larutan dengan kertas indicator
Gambar 1.3 hasil pengukuran pH
Pengenceran NH3

IX.          Bibliography
·         Permana Irfan. 2009. Memahami Kimia. Armico Bandung
·         Utami, Budi, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Lina Mahardiani, Sri Yamtinah, Bakti Mulyani.  2006. Simpati. Surakarta:Grahadi.
·         Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Chemistry. Solo:Tiga Serangkai.

Report 2
The PH Solution of Acid and Base

I.         Purpose :
To measure the pH solution of strong and weak acid / base whose concentration using natural indicator.
II.       Basic theory
Natural indicators can include kitchen materials, flowers, or fruit - fruit. To be able to be used, such materials must be made form of a solution by means attenuating then examined indicator solution into the acid-base solution. Color changes that occur in each indicator varies naturally. Previously we tested with a solution of NaOH and CH3 COOH.
III.      Tools and materials
1. Test tube                                     (5 pcs)
2. Second beaker
3. Pipette drops of                          (6 pcs)
4. Pipette drops small                  (1 pcs)
5. Plat drops                                    (2 pcs)
6. spatula                                        (1 pcs)
7. Mortil                                             (1 pcs)
8. NaOH
9. Acid and alkaline solution
10. CH3 COOH
11. Natural Indicator (japanese kambodia, orchid, tapak dara, eporbia, turmeric)
IV.     Steps            :
1.    Filling the water into each beaker.
2.    Giving the label on each tube reaction, writing A, B, C, D, E on it.
3.    Blending of flower ( as natural indicator).
4.    Giving the water on flower that have been soft.
5.    Droping CH3COOH on drop plate          5 coloumb (suitable the sum of indicator).
NaOH water on drop plat                       5 coloumb.     
6.    Taking flower solution using small drop pipette on pipette drop (each of solution drop into one coloumb CH3COOH and one coloumb NaOH water). Writing the changing colour.
7.    Drop A, B, C, D, E solution (in drop plate).
8.    Drop flower solution into A, B, C, D, E solution (in drop plate)
9.    Writing the changing of colour.

Kol Merah

Kol Ungu

V.   Conclusion:
A solution is acidic
B solution is base
C solution is acidic
D solution is base
E solution is base

VI.          Photos

Alat dan bahan                                      menghaluskan indicator alam       

                                                   Perubahan warna pada larutan                     Perubahan warna pada  cuka dan kapur

VII.         Bibliography
·         Permana Irfan. 2009. Memahami Kimia. Armico Bandung
·         Utami, Budi, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Lina Mahardiani, Sri Yamtinah, Bakti     Mulyani.  2006. Simpati. Surakarta:Grahadi.
·         Sudarmo, Unggul. 2004. Kimia. Surakarta:Seri Made Simple.
·         Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Chemistry. Solo:Tiga Serangkai.
Report 3
Determine Concentration of HCl by Using Standard Condensation of NaOH 0,1 M
      I.        Propose
To determine HCl concentration using by standard solution is NaOH 0,1 M.

    II.        Based theory
Acid and Base reaction can be used to determine the concentration of unknown acid and base solutions. The determination is conducted by titration. Type titration there is 2 :
a.    Acidimetric
Is a base solution with unknown  concentration is titrated with acid.
b.    Alkali metric
Is an Acid solution with unknown  concentration is titrated with base.
At the experiment , we will concentration observation from HCl using by standard solution is NaOH 0,1 M. we do at the experiment titration type Alkalimetric.

   III.        Tools and Materials
1.    Burette 50 ml                                             1
2.    Stand                                                          1
3.    Graduated cylinder of 25 ml                   1
4.    Erlenmeyer flask of 100 ml                     1
5.    Pasteur pipette                                          2
6.    Test tube                                                     1
7.    Test tube shelf                                           1
8.    Chemical glass of 100 ml                                   3
9.    Measure gourd of 100 ml                                    1
10. Tissue
11. Measure pipette                                        1
12. Condensed HCl                                        20 ml
13. PP indicator
14. Aquades
15. NaOH 0,1 M                                               50 ml

  IV.        Procedure
1.    Tide burette on the stand with  klem strong.
2.    Pour standard solution is NaOH 0,1 M into the burette used by funnel until 0 scale.
3.    Take 25 ml condensed HCl used by measure pipette, pour into the measure gourd of 100 ml then add aquades until 100 ml ( sign boundary ).
4.    Take watery HCl ( step 3 ) used by chemical glass 25 ml, pout into the erlenmeyer flask. Add 3 – 5 drip PP indicator.
5.    We do titration watery HCl used by standard solution NaOH 0,1 M carefully. Shaking down enlenmeyer flask! Discontinue titration in th event color changed HCl from transparent color become pink color.
6.    Read burette scale and written used standard volume.
7.    Repeat procedure 2 – 6 up to thrice.

   V.        Result Of Observation

HCl volume (ml)
NaOH volume (ml)

a.    Ma. Va = b. Mb. Vb
1.    Ma. 20 = 1. 0,1. 17
Ma =  = 0,0175 º 0,02 M

  VI.        Conclusion
we earn to determine concentration of HCl by using standard condensation of NaOH 0,1 M.

 VII.        Photos
                                    Proses titrasi                                                                 Hasil titrasi

    VIII.    Bibliography

·         Permana Irfan. 2009. Memahami Kimia. Armico Bandung
·         Utami, Budi, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Lina Mahardiani, Sri Yamtinah, Bakti     Mulyani.  2006. Simpati. Surakarta:Grahadi.
·         Sudarmo, Unggul. 2004. Kimia. Surakarta:Seri Made Simple.
·         Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Chemistry. Solo:Tiga Serangkai

Report 4
Determine Commerce Vinegar Rate used by Standard Solution is NaOH Solutions 0,1 M
I.          Propose
To determine commerce vinegar rate used by standard solution is NaOH solutions 0,1 M.

II.         Based theory
Acid and Base reaction can be used to determine the concentration of unknown acid and base solutions. The determination is conducted by titration. Type titration there is 2 :
a.    Acidimetric
Is a base solution with unknown  concentration is titrated with acid.
b.    Alkali metric
Is an Acid solution with unknown  concentration is titrated with base.
At the experiment , we will concentration observation from commerce vinegar rate using by standard solution is NaOH 0,1 M. we do at the experiment titration type Acidimetric.

III.        Tools and material
1.    Burette 50 ml                                          1
2.    Stand                                                        1
3.    Graduated cylinder of 25 ml                 1
4.    Erlenmeyer flask of 100 ml                  1
5.    Pasteur pipette                                       2
6.    Test tube                                                  1
7.    Test tube shlf                                          1
8.    Chemical glass of 100 ml                     3
9.    Measure gourd of 100 ml                     1
10. Tissue
11. Measure pipette                                      1
12. commerce vinegar rate
13. PP indicator
14. Aquades
15. NaOH 0,1 M                                            50 ml

IV.          Procedure
1.    Prepare tools and material we needed.
2.    Thinning commerce vinegar rate 10 ml with water up to volume 100 ml used by measure gourd.
a.    Measure CH3COOH counted 100 ml used by measure glass
b.    Move  CH3COOH which have been measured into the measure gourd up to volume 100 ml
c.    Shake slowly.
3.    Pour NaOH 0,1 M into the burette up to 0 scale used by funnel.
4.    Pour CH3COOH thinning result into the Erlenmeyer flask counted 20 ml.
5.    Add PP indicator counted 3 drip used by Pasteur pipette into the erlenmeyer flask.
6.    We do titrated, at the same time shaken down Erlenmeyer flask up to the changed color become pink color.
7.    Discontinue titrated.
8.    Repeat procedure 3 – 7 until thrice.

V.           Result of observation
CH3COOH volume (ml)
NaOH volume (ml)

VI.       Calculations

b.    Ma. Va = b. Mb. Vb
16. Ma. 20 = 1. 0,1. 3,5
Ma =  = 0,085 º 0,01M
·          M1.V1 = M2.V2
           M1.10 = 0,01.20
                 M1 = 0,02 M
·         M = p.10. kadar
          0,02 = 1,05.10. kadar
           1,2 = 10,5. Kadar
      Kadar = 1  %

VII.     Photos

Proses titrasi
Proses perubahan warna
VIII.    Bibliography

·         Utami, Budi, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Lina Mahardiani, Sri Yamtinah, Bakti     Mulyani.  2006. Simpati. Surakarta:Grahadi.
·         Permana Irfan. 2009. Memahami Kimia. Armico Bandung
·         Sudarmo, Unggul. 2004. Kimia. Surakarta:Seri Made Simple.
·         Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Chemistry. Solo:Tiga Serangkai

Report 5
Precipitation Reaction
I.       Propose
To learn about precipitation reaction of some substances.
II.      Based theory
Solubility product of an ionic compound which is difficult to dissolve may provide information about the solubility of these compounds in water. The greater the price Ksp of a substance, the more easily soluble compound. Price Ksp of a substance can be used to predict whether precipitation of a substance occurs when two solutions containing ions of compounds difficult to dissolve the precipitate to mix AMBN make prediction if a solution containing ions An+ and Bm- mixed use concept of the product AMBN ion (Qsp) following this:
If Qsp> Ksp precipitate it will happen.
If Qsp = Ksp, then it will happen AMBN saturated solution.
If Qsp <Ksp, there will be a saturated solution or precipitate AMBN.

III.    Tools and Materials
1.    Test tube
2.    Graduate cylinder of 10 ml
3.    Pasteur pipette
4.    0,05 M BaCl2 solution
5.    0,05 M PbCl2 solution
6.    0,05 M CaCl2 solution
7.    0,05 M NaOH solution
8.    0,05 M Na2SO4  solution
9.    0,05 M Na2CO3 solution
10. 0,05 M NaCrO4 solution

IV.   Procedure
1.  Based on Ksp predict the precipitate formation of metal compounds of Ba, Pb, and Ca that are reacted with a reactant according to observation teble.
2.    Take three test tube. Then add 3 ml of 0,005 M BaCl2 solution into test tube 1, 3  ml of  0,05 M PbCl2 solution into test tube II, and 3 ml 0,05 M CaCl2 solution into test tube III.
3.    Add 3 ml 0,05 M NaOH solution into each tube. Make notes about your observation on the observation table. Give (+) mark when precipitate formed and(-) when there is on precipitate.
4.    Repet procedure 1 and 2 by substitute NaOH with Na2CO3, Na2SO4, and NaCrO4.

V.     Result of observation

0,05 M Metal ion
0,05 M ion Reactan
The result of the test









VI.   Question
1.    Which solution result in precipitate?
2.    Does the experiment match your prediction?what does not match?when anything does not match, give the explanation.
1.       All solutions have sediment.
2. There is, occurs in solution

VII.  Conclusion
From the observation BaCl2 solution of 0.05 M, 0.05 M PbCl2, 0.05 M CaCl2 if added with a solution of 0.05 M NaOH, 0.05 M Na2SO4, 0.05 M Na2CO3, 0.05 M NaCrO4 it will deposition occurs because Qsp> Ksp precipitate AMBN it will happen.

VIII. Photos
Measuring 0.05 M Na2CO3 solution

IX.          Bibliography
·         Utami, Budi, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Lina Mahardiani, Sri Yamtinah, Bakti     Mulyani.  2006. Simpati. Surakarta:Grahadi.
·         Permana Irfan. 2009. Memahami Kimia. Armico Bandung
·         Sudarmo, Unggul. 2004. Kimia. Surakarta:Seri Made Simple.
·         Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Chemistry. Solo:Tiga Serangkai

Report 6
Differences between solution, colloid, and suspension
    I.          Propose
To learn the differences between solution, colloid, and suspension.

    II.        Based theory
When a substance is mixed with other substances, there will be spread evenly from one substance into another substance called dispersion system. Example: water + flour, water is the dispersing medium and flour are dispersed substance. Disperse divided into 3 groups: the solution, colloid, suspension. At first glance the difference between suspense (often is a with suspense rough) with a solution (often called a true solution) will be evident from the homogeneity, but it would be difficult to distinguish between solutions or colloids with roughly suspense.

   III.        Tools and materials
1.    Chemical glass of 100 ml                    (8 pcs)
2.    Funnel                                                     (3 pcs)
3.    Filter paper                                              (7 pcs)
4.    Spatula                                                    (1 pc)
5.    Erlenmeyer                                             (7pcs)
6.    Sugar
7.    Flour
8.    Milk
9.    Urea
10. Soap
11. Coconut milk
12. Sulphur powder
13. Jelly
14. Aquades

  IV.        Procedure
1.    Pour about 80 ml of water into chemical glass.
2.    Add one gram of sugar into the glass and stir it about one minute.
3.    Let the solution for five minutes and make notes on what happens.
4.    Filter the mixture using filter paper and make notes on what happens.
5.    Repeat procedure 1 to 4 using Flour milk, Urea, Soap, Coconut milk, Sulphur powder,  Jelly.
Note : stirrer and funnel should be rinsed and dried before used it stir and to filter different mixtures.
   V.        Observation result
Mixture of water with
Mixture characteristic
Coconut milk
Clear/turbid filtrate
Description of sign (√) chose the first option.
                                             ( - ) chose the second option.
  VI.        Question
1.    Classify the mixtures in this experiment into solution, colloid system, and suspension.
2.    Explain the differences between solution, colloid, and suspension.

1.    Solution : urea, sugar.
Colloid system : milk, jelly, soap, coconut milk.
Suspension : sulphur, flour.
2.    Solution :
·         Homogen
·         Disperse molekuler
·         <10-7 cm atau <1 nm
·         Tidak dapat disaring
·         Stabil
·         Jernih
·         Satu fase
Colloid system :

·         Tampak heterogen
·         Disperse padatan
·         10-7 - 105 cm atau 1 nm – 100nm
·         Dapat disaring dengan penyaring ultra
·         Pada umumnya stabil
·         Tidak jernih
·         Dua fase
Suspensi :
·         Heterogen
·         Disperse padatan
·         >10-5 cm atau >100 nm
·         Dapat disaring dengan penyaring biasa
·         Tidak stabil
·         Tidak jenih
·         Dua fase

 VII.        Conclusion
Dari percobaan yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa

VIII.        Photos

Percobaan 6_4Hasil penyaringan

Proses penyaringan larutan

  IX.        Bibliography
·         Utami, Budi, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Lina Mahardiani, Sri Yamtinah, Bakti Mulyani.  2006. Simpati. Surakarta:Grahadi.
·         Sudarmo, Unggul. 2004. Kimia. Surakarta:Seri Made Simple.
·         Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Chemistry. Solo:Tiga Serangkai

Report 7
The Making of Colloids
I.              Propose
To learn the colloids making b.y dispersion and condensation.

II.            Based theory
The size of colloidal particles is between suspension particles and solution particles. Therefore, colloidial particles can be madeby refine suspension particles until they are of colloid size and aggregating the solution particles. The colloid made by refine suspension particles is called dispersion , while the colloid made by aggregating solution particles is called condentasion.
       There are three method of dispersion : mechanical method, peptization method, and Bredig’s method.
1.    Chemical method
The mechanicl method insolves reducing coarse solid particles into colloidal size particles.
2.    Peptization method
Peptization is a dipersion of a precipitate to form a colloidal system by adding a peptizing agent. Common peptizing agents include electrolytes especially those containing the same type of ions , or certains solvents.

3.    Bredig’s method
Bredig’s are method is solid to prepre metal sold such us Ag, Au, and Pt. The metal will be transformed into colloidal particles is used is the electrodes. Two emetal electrodes are dipped into the dispersing medium ( cold distilled water) where both and positioned close to each other. An electic are is then struckbetween the two electrodes. The intense heat produces caused the metal to evaporate. The vapor would then condense in a cold dispersing medium to fform colloidal particles.

III.           Tools and materials
1.    Mortat and Pestle                                               (1 pcs)
2.    Chemical glass of 100 ml                                (2 pcs)
3.    Test tube                                                              (3 pcs)
4.    Tabe clip                                                              (1 pc)
5.    Sulphur powder                                                 (1 teas poonffull)
6.    Sugar                                                                   (1 teas poonfull)
7.    Pudding powder                                                            (1 teas poonfull)
8.    Kerosene                                                             (4 ml)
9.    5 % detergent solution                                      (2ml)
10. Water                                                                    (as needed)

IV.          Procedure
1.    The making of sulphur sol.
Add 1 teas poonfull of sugar and 1 teas poonfull of sulphur into the mortar. Crush the mixture until refined. Take 1 teas poonfull of the mixture to be mixed with 1 teas poonfull of sugar. Do this activity of 4 times. Pour the last mixture into the chemical glass and add 50 ml of water and stir it.
2.    The making of pudding sol/gel.
Pour the water to the test tube until one-third. Add 1 teas poonfull of sugar powder and stir. Heat the solution until boiled. Freeze the mixture until the pudding gel made.
3.    The making oil in water emulsion.
Pour 5 ml of water and 25 ml kerosene in the last tube. Shake the mixture for a moment. Pour 5ml of water, 2 ml of kerosene, and 2 ml of detergent solution into another test tube. Shake the test tube.

V.           Observation result

Mixture Component
Observation Result
Not Mixed
1.    Sulphur powder and water

2.    Pudding powder and water

b.    Before transferred

c.    After transferred

3.    Water and Kerosene

4.    Water, kerosene and detergent solution

VI.          Question

1.    Explain how to make colloids by dispersion?
2.    How does detergent emulsity oil in water?
3.    Explain the differences between sol and gel?

1.    The making of colloids by dispersion is conducted by reducing coars particles into colloidal size particles which will then be dispersed into dispering medium.
2.    Detergent ( emulgator) has polar and nonpolar groups. The nonpolar part will interct with oil or surround the oil particles. The polar part will interact with water. If the polar part ionizes and becomes negatively charged, the particles of oil will become negatively charged. The negatively charge causes the oil particles to repel and not combine. In other words, the  emulsion becomes stable.
3.    Sol is the colloid system with solid dispersed phase and liquid dispersion medium. And gel is a half rigid (between liquid and solid) colloid system. Gel will be formed when sol dispersed phase of a sol absorbs it dispersion medium so a reather solid colloid system will be created.

VII.         Conclusion
The making of colloid by dispersion is conduted by reducing coarse particles into colloidal size particles which will then be dispersed into the dispersing medium. And to making colloid from and oil (emulsion) is needed detergent is emuglator.

VIII.       Photos

          Proses penghalusan sulfur dan gula                      Proses pembuatan agar


          Perbedaan suspensi, koloid dan larutan                 Gambar gel, emulsi dan buih      

Hasil campuran sulfur dan gula

IX.          Bibliography
·         Utami, Budi, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Lina Mahardiani, Sri Yamtinah, Bakti Mulyani.  2006. Simpati. Surakarta:Grahadi.
·         Sudarmo, Unggul. 2004. Kimia. Surakarta:Seri Made Simple.
·         Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Chemistry. Solo:Tiga Serangkai

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