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Report 4
Determine Commerce Vinegar Rate used by Standard Solution is NaOH Solutions 0,1 M
I.          Propose
To determine commerce vinegar rate used by standard solution is NaOH solutions 0,1 M.

II.         Based theory
Acid and Base reaction can be used to determine the concentration of unknown acid and base solutions. The determination is conducted by titration. Type titration there is 2 :
a.    Acidimetric
Is a base solution with unknown  concentration is titrated with acid.
b.    Alkali metric
Is an Acid solution with unknown  concentration is titrated with base.
At the experiment , we will concentration observation from commerce vinegar rate using by standard solution is NaOH 0,1 M. we do at the experiment titration type Acidimetric.

III.        Tools and material
Burette 50 ml                                                1
Stand                                                  1
Graduated cylinder of 25 ml           1
Erlenmeyer flask of 100 ml                        1
Pasteur pipette                                 2
Test tube                                            1
Test tube shlf                                                1
Chemical glass of 100 ml               3
Measure gourd of 100 ml               1
Measure pipette                                1
commerce vinegar rate
PP indicator
NaOH 0,1 M                                      50 ml

IV.          Procedure
1.    Prepare tools and material we needed.
2.    Thinning commerce vinegar rate 10 ml with water up to volume 100 ml used by measure gourd.
a.    Measure CH3COOH counted 100 ml used by measure glass
b.    Move  CH3COOH which have been measured into the measure gourd up to volume 100 ml
c.    Shake slowly.
3.    Pour NaOH 0,1 M into the burette up to 0 scale used by funnel.
4.    Pour CH3COOH thinning result into the Erlenmeyer flask counted 20 ml.
5.    Add PP indicator counted 3 drip used by Pasteur pipette into the erlenmeyer flask.
6.    We do titrated, at the same time shaken down Erlenmeyer flask up to the changed color become pink color.
7.    Discontinue titrated.
8.    Repeat procedure 3 – 7 until thrice.

V.           Result of observation
CH3COOH volume (ml)
NaOH volume (ml)

VI.       Calculations

a.    Ma. Va = b. Mb. Vb
1.    Ma. 20 = 1. 0,1. 3,5
Ma =  = 0,085 º 0,01M
·          M1.V1 = M2.V2
           M1.10 = 0,01.20
                 M1 = 0,02 M
·         M = p.10. kadar
          0,02 = 1,05.10. kadar
           1,2 = 10,5. Kadar
      Kadar = 1  %

VII.     Photos

 Titration process
change color at titration process
VIII.    Bibliography
Utami, Budi, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Lina Mahardiani, Sri Yamtinah, Bakti     Mulyani.  2006. Simpati. Surakarta:Grahadi.
Sudarmo, Unggul. 2004. Kimia. Surakarta:Seri Made Simple.
     Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Chemistry. Solo:Tiga Serangkai

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